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New Jersey Domestic Violence Defense Lawyers

Domestic violence is a serious problem in the state of New Jersey, and has caused more damage to women than any other crimes, including rape, robbery, and traffic accidents.

Domestic violence can often escalate into a homicide or suicide case for the authorities. Social workers and law enforcement officers often have opportunities to prevent domestic violence crimes from happening—for instance, about 85% of all perpetrators of domestic violence were abused themselves as children.

If you’re a victim of domestic violence but are afraid of speaking out, please call an attorney today to handle your case. Our lawyers at Ellis Law are experienced in a multitude of personal injury and criminal cases, and are ready to represent you in court if you’ve been abused by a violent spouse against your will. Call us today at 888-355-4752.

Victims of Domestic Violence and Restraining Order

Under N.J.S.A. 2C:25-19, a victim of domestic violence is a person who is over 18 years of age, or is an emancipated minor, and who has been subject to domestic violence by a spouse, former spouse, and anyone who is a present or former household member. If a victim is abused, he or she can obtain a temporary restraining order to place protections on him from his or her spouse. When making a complaint to the court, the victim needs to ask for various types of relief.

A temporary restraining order is often referred to as a TRO or a no contact order.

When Can The Complaint Be Filed?

The TRO can be filed during regular court houses with the Family Part of the Superior Court. Keep in mind that the Family Division only accepts domestic violence complaints until 3:30 P.M. when the courts are in sessions.

When the court is closed on weekends, holidays and other times, the domestic violence complaint may be filed with a municipal court judge who is specifically assigned to accept these complaints. Each police department needs to have a list on hand of all names and telephone numbers of municipal court judges from the municipal court. The domestic violence complaint may be filed where the alleged act of domestic violence occurred, where the defendant resides, or where the victim currently resides.

Domestic Violence Attorney Near Me

If you’ve been abused in your home by a violent spouse, there is no reason why your suffering should continue. Domestic violence cases are taken very seriously in the state of New Jersey, and there are ways to take legal provisions against your spouse or the person you are living with. Whether or not you’ve already filed a restraining order or TRO, you should definitely call an attorney to help represent you in court and take the proper legal action against your spouse or domestic partner. Call our experienced attorneys today at 888-355-4752 and we’ll begin procedures once we hear the exact details of your case. Call Ellis Law today or contact us online for a confidential consultation.

Meet Our Attorneys

Herb Ellis


Herbert Ellis

Jonathan Ellis


Jonathan Ellis



Amy Buchansky-Francesco

Stephen Slavoff, Jr.


Stephen Slavoff, Jr.

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