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Pre-Existing PTSD Made Worse by a Car Accident

The Freehold Car Accident Lawyers at Ellis Law Represent Clients with PTSD from Car Accidents

According to the National Library of Medicine, people who live through serious car accidents are at increased risk for psychological disorders like PTSD (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder). This condition can also be caused by other traumatic events like cancer, domestic abuse, or being on military duty. Clearly, it is possible for people to have pre-existing PTSD […]

What Is a Car Black Box?

Let a Freehold Car Accident Lawyer at Ellis Law Fight to Protect Your Rights

A car black box, formally known as an Event Data Recorder (EDR), is a device installed in vehicles to record data related to the vehicle’s operation and driver behavior. Similar to black boxes used in aviation, these devices collect and store valuable information about vehicles. What Information Does a Car Black Box Record? Car black […]

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