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How Many Hours Can a Truck Driver Work Consecutively?

Freehold Truck Accident Lawyers at Ellis Law Help Injured Victims Recover Compensation

Perhaps the most devastating accidents on the road today involve large commercial trucks.  A leading cause of these truck accidents is driver fatigue.  To alleviate the issue, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) issued regulations limiting the number of consecutive hours a driver can operate their truck, among other safety guidelines.  For years, truck […]

What to Expect at Your Initial Consultation With a Personal Injury Lawyer

A severe injury can involve long recovery times, significant pain and suffering, and the inevitable pileup of medical bills waiting to be paid. Anyone in this situation who believes another person’s negligence caused the accident might benefit from an initial consultation with a personal injury lawyer. Some may hesitate because they do not know what […]

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