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What Happens if a Truck Driver Leaves the Scene of an Accident?

A New Jersey Truck Accident Lawyer at Ellis Law Advocate for Truck Drivers and Distracted Driving.

Accidents involving commercial trucks are frequently catastrophic. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, commercial truck accidents result in around 5,000 fatalities yearly in the United States. In some cases, truck drivers will flee the scene of an accident. Hit-and-Run Accidents Involving Commercial Truck Drivers A hit-and-run accident is a traffic collision in which […]

How Dangerous Are Head-On Truck Collisions?

head on truck accident

Head-on collisions are one of the most dangerous types of motor vehicle accidents, and when a large truck is involved, the risk of severe injuries increases significantly. Truck accidents are often catastrophic because of the size discrepancy between the vehicles involved. A commercial vehicle’s size and weight can cause more damage than a smaller passenger […]

What Is a Jackknife Truck Accident?

jackknife truck accident

Commercial trucks are vital to the United States economy, traversing hundreds of millions of miles and distributing goods and other necessities. Over 161 million registered commercial trucks are on the roadways, significantly increasing the risk of dangerous accidents. Accidents involving commercial tractor-trailers often have devastating consequences. The National Transportation Safety Board reports that nearly 5,000 […]

What Happens When a UPS Truck Is in an Accident? 

ups truck parked

UPS is one of the largest package delivery services in the world, with annual revenues of nearly $75 billion. The company delivers over 5 billion packages annually worldwide. In the United States, UPS employs nearly half a million people and deploys 125,000 delivery trucks and a growing number of tractor-trailers, delivering to millions daily. The […]

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