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What Happens When a UPS Truck Is in an Accident? 

ups truck parked

UPS is one of the largest package delivery services in the world, with annual revenues of nearly $75 billion. The company delivers over 5 billion packages annually worldwide. In the United States, UPS employs nearly half a million people and deploys 125,000 delivery trucks and a growing number of tractor-trailers, delivering to millions daily. The […]

Wide-Turn Truck Accidents

wide-turn truck

Accidents between passenger vehicles and commercial semi-trucks often result in catastrophic damage and injuries due to the size and weight difference between the two. In the United States, approximately 130,000 people annually are injured in accidents with commercial trucks, with nearly 5,000 deaths. Some of the most dangerous accidents occur when trucks are turning. Wide-turn […]

The Role Alcohol and Drugs Play in Truck Accidents

truck driver operating vehicle while impaired by drugs and alcohol

Despite strict drug and alcohol policies such as those issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Drug Policies and Regulations, recent highway fatality statistics suggest that some truck drivers are impaired when they are behind the wheel. According to the Governors Highway Safety Association, more than 43 percent of drivers who were killed in […]

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